
There was never a time when CESCA was not creating.

Self Portrait, 2021

Creation without limits.

Beginning with drawing, CESCA worked her way into photography, ceramic sculpture, painting, and recently digital art.

Her creative goal is to push boundaries through visual experiences. Maybe a piece takes something you know, dismantles it, and reassembles it as if you are experiencing it for the first time.

In 2020, CESCA decided to push her own boundaries by pursuing her art as a business. Combing her education in marketing and artistic capabilities, CESCA hopes to share her art without limits.


my brain functions as a maze that is ever changing.

every time you think you’ve figured it out, the ground shifts beneath you.

My art is a physical expression of my brain trying to figure out the world, indecisive and chaotic just like I am. When looking at the wild variety of works, many may find it difficult to find a common thread of connection. For me, the connection lies within the contrast and deeper meanings. 

Whether my works are abstract or incorporate aspects of realism, they each portray a relationship between the human footprint and our environment. I often explore the way we shape each other yet also remain and anchored by our nature.

The duality of self and society is expressed through clashing colors, textures, and mediums. The juxtaposition within my creations embodies the belief that there are two sides to every story. Although my perspective is the focus in my pieces, I still aim to leave room for viewers to choose their own and see beyond themselves.